
Kick Pals Widget


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-When a user sends a message. A character is spawned. There is 13 different characters that spawn for the main theme and 12 different characters for the “Zombie” theme!

-Characters will roam around the bottom of the screen and attack each other with Auto Attack Disabled. If you Disable AutoAttack. Users will use !attack to attack other characters

-Health System. Enable the health system to give the characters health with adjustable health and attack power! With the health system disabled character life span is based on a pre-set timer. Each time that user chats, their timer resets. Thus making their character live longer. If the character “timer” hits zero. That character will die.

-Toggleable option to have the their character slightly grow in size each message (If health system is disabled)

-Works with Kick, Twitch, AND TikTok!

(This widget will install to Streamelements, under a twitch profile! Also. The “Bot” function only works with kick currently)